Legal Issues

Legal Issues

Intellectual property rights( IP Law)
- If you worked to produce a piece of work e.g an image, script, graphic or article then its your intellectual property


Trade marks  

- used by businesses to protect brands 
-valuable long term asset for business 
-Register a trademark to various geographic regions, apply to name logo or both
- Renewing every 10 years 


-Exists, automatic = photos, documents, websites
- Use copyright symbol on when you create something (record when and how) - last up to 70 years after your lifetime
- Pay someone to take it will be their copyright unless in your name

Design rights

-Furniture, jewellery, clothes - visual style
-When making a design, register it o it has design rights so it can't be copied
-Way your product looks 
- Unregistered design rights 


- Invent a new product (invention) 
- Detailed description of design 
- Last for up to 20 years 
- Register but its complicated and expensive 

The High Court rejected the multi-billionaire director's claim and the focus switched to design rights, specifically whether the helmets sold were works of art or merely industrial props.
If Lucasfilm could convince the courts the 3D works were sculptures, they would be protected by copyright for the life of the author plus 70 years.
If not, the copyright protection would be reduced to 15 years from the date they were marketed, meaning it would have expired and Mr Ainsworth would be free to sell them.

Libel : You could face a lawsuit if media product is produced containing information about someone which is untrue or damagingg the their reputation. Can be written in form,imagery use of radio broadcast 

Data Protection Act= of you collect data about individuals during the creation of media product then the DPA must be adhered to or could face a lawsuit }UK LAW

 8 Principles;

1) Permission (consent)- requires the data subject consent
2) Should only be kept for the reason it was collection
3) Accurate and up to date 
4) Should only be kept for as long as it is needed
5) Made availble to data subject
6) Processed securely 
7) Processed within the Uk

Copyright, design and patents act 1988= if you have created a piece of music,recording,image,broadcast, film or written piece of work then you have control of how other people use it 

Slander = Carries same legal implications as libel and involves making a false statement in the spoken word

Human rights= Values that keep society fair, just and equal, Protect everyone - european convention on human rights ,Right to life,liberty and             expression 

Intellectual property rights( IP Law): 

Explanation:If you worked to produce a piece of work e.g an image, script, graphic or article then its your intellectual property
Application to media: It gives the patent owner the exclusive right to exploit (i.e. create, use, sell, distribute) the invention for a limited period of time. 


Explanation: You could face a lawsuit if media product is produced containing information about someone which is untrue or damaging the their reputation. Can be written in form,imagery use of radio broadcast 
Application to media: Someone damaging reputation in the media 

Data protection act:

Explanation:If collect data about individuals during the creation of media product then the DPA must be adhered to or could face a lawsuit
Application to media: Media lawyers and journalists might feel a degree of trepidation at this news. The Data Protection Act 1998 has become a mainstay of media disputes, with its importance and impact increasingly felt by publishers.( protecting their own data) - can't release sensitive data without permission 

Copyright, design and patents act 1988:

Explanation: If you have created a piece of music,recording,image,broadcast, film or written piece of work then you have control of how other people use it 
Application to media: Copyright in song in youtube videos
Example: Youtube taken down video due to copyright 


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